Friday, May 31, 2013

Another school year is ending.....

Another school year has come to a close. After school ends on Monday I will have a 3rd grader, a 1st grader and Jonathan will be doing 5 days a week at pre-school next year (just for 2 hours a day)

Here is a walkthrough of my boys from pre-school through current grade.... crazy how fast they grow!

Top line: Joseph Pre-school, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade
Bottom line: Samuel 4 yr preschool, 5 yr pre-school and the last 2 are kindergarten

Jonathan: 2 yr preschool, last day of 2 yr and then the last one is the last day of preschool this year :-)
Yesterday was Samuel's Kindergarten Celebration. It's such a cute program.. They all sang songs and then the teacher (same teacher as joseph) had a DVD set to really emotional songs showing pictures of our kids throughout the year. It was a great day. Samuel even received an award for working so hard and always having his work so neat. Here is a collage from that day.
And because I didn't find all of these cool collage ideas until this year I went ahead and did a collage of Joseph's Kindergarten Graduation. She did things a bit different that year but still just as cute. :-) Makes me so sappy to look at pictures from 2 years ago... how small my little jojo was!

My babies are growing up.... Sad but exciting at the same time. Looking forward to next school year to see once again how much they have changed and grown!

Have a great Summer!!!!!

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