Thursday, May 7, 2015

A mother's day message to all the moms out there!

I remember when I was just a little girl instead of playing with barbies I was pretending my baby dolls were real babies. As a teenager when the guidance counselor would ask me what I wanted to do with my life, I would answer "be a wife and a mother " . I didn't know what being a mother would really entail. The sleepless nights, struggling with nursing, worrying about them making friends, what school to send them to, should I homeschool, when should I step into a conflict and when should I let them handle it on their own. The list could go on and on.
One thing that I really had no idea about was how much these children would complete me. When I have had a horrible day, when I've embarrassed myself or been hurt by someone else, I didn't realize that one little kiss, hug or "I love you mom" would literally make me feel better. That the weight of the day would be lifted off of me as they put their little hand inside of mine and snuggle up close. I also love how I can do the same for them. When they have had a rough day, struck out after every time at bat, flunked that spelling test, had a fight with a friend, I can snuggle up to them, and tell them how much I love them and what they mean to me.
As mom's I know we all struggle. So much out there telling us we are doing it wrong. So much pain we are trying to protect our kids from. It can overwhelm us if we let it. For me right now at this stage in my life I'm trying to realize I'm doing the best I can and that's all I can do. I just need to love my kids and show them that my arms will always be a safe place for them. Forever.
I hope all you Mom's this Sunday enjoy lots of snuggles and kisses. I can't wait to see the joy on my little ones faces as they give me their homemade cards and see how much joy they have just seeing me smile and knowing how much joy they bring to my life.
HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MOMS! We are doing a great job and we just need to keep it up!!! :-)